6 CDs full of music

I few years ago, I decided to go on a road trip across the USA.

There is no country better in the world to do that.

Good company, a road, a car, and music.

My wife was the company and the responsible of the music.

She decided to put all the music we loved and create 6 CD with MP3 files…


If you are old enough, you know what I’m talking about… No Spotify.


Then something happened.


Technical difficulties, i.e., or being too much in a hurry.


I don’t know.


But there we were in the car… aiming the Appalachians, three weeks ahead of us, hotels only for a couple of nights and 6 CDs full of music.


First CD… almost 200 songs…


Bob Dyland.


From song number one to song number… whatever.


Bod Dyland.


And then… second CD.

And the third…

And the fourth…

And the fifth…

And the sixth… except 21 songs from Shakira…


Bob Dyland.


My wife apparently got Bob’s full discography… more than 500 songs plus all versions…


That guy is a machine and still signing…

His music is great, but… 6 CDs…


When asked, Bob Dylan told his definition of success.

And it’s simple: you are successful if “everyday, you wake up, you go to sleep at night and what you do in between is what you have chosen to do”.


That’s a great definition.


Now, ask yourself if what you have done today or yesterday is all you wanted, all you dreamed it, all the things you got proud from.


If not… you should wonder, what can you do to make each day the day I was dreaming of.


I’m getting close… very close to love all what I do from waking up until going to bed at night. All of it.


The path I took is described in the links below.


​Even you can make money on Real Estate – $14.90​

​Is this piece of Real Estate a Good Investment – $29.90.

​Cracking Real Estate Flipping

​The 33 most frequent questions in Real Estate Flipping

​Investing better than 99% of people

​High Returns – The 7 Best Real Estate Strategies – $29.90 -

​The Real Estate Investing Incubator – $99.90/month​

​The Property Investing Plan – $2.490​

​A consultancy / Couching session with me - $395​


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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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