Know the limits of what you can do

If your only plan to improve your finances is cutting expenses, you’ve got a big problem.

Not because it’s a bad plan—it’s not... If you’re wasting money on unnecessary crap, the first thing you should fix is exactly that.


The problem is purely mathematical, and I love maths.

Cutting expenses has a limit.


If you make 3.000 euros or dollars or whatever per month and save 500…

You may be able to save 200 more.

If you turn off Netflix, maybe 215…

If you cut Amazon Prime, maybe 300

And if you turn the lights off and use candles, maybe you arrive to 1.000 in total savings.


At some point, there’s no more room to cut, and saving an extra 50 requires a massive sacrifice… like giving up coffee and things like that.


It just doesn’t make sense.


That’s why, if you don’t want to fall into the most extreme penny-pinching lifestyle, your focus shouldn’t be on saving more—but on earning more.


Because unlike cutting costs, increasing your income has no limit.


And the best part? Even small increases make a huge difference.

If you go from earning €3.000 to €4.000, for example, here’s what happens:

• As long as you don’t waste money, your savings ability skyrockets.
• You no longer have to count every cent you spend.
• You can enjoy life while still growing financially.


This is so obvious that you might think I’m insulting your intelligence, but no matter how much we debate saving strategies, the truth is simple:

Cutting expenses is fine and necessary, but the real key to financial well-being is making more money.

Make. More. Money.


And if anyone tells you otherwise, they’re lying to you.


Life only happens once, and it should be lived well.


Not with absurd luxuries, not with reckless spending—but well.


And as far as I know, that requires money.


My plan to help you make it happens, right here:

​Is this piece of real estate a good investment? - Price $29.90​


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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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