Every business has moved online in recent years. ​ Even the fishmonger in your hometown has joined TikTok and does live streams while serving customers. ​ The same has happened in real estate. ​ We’re more prepared than ever, with more information at our fingertips. An investor in the year 2000 had less competition. They only needed to build a good relationship with one real estate agency, and they’d receive dozens of opportunities each month. Now, those opportunities roam free. Investing in real estate is getting harder. The only thing you can do is go back to the old ways and build strong relationships with local agencies. If you have time, the first option is always better. If you want to know more about how to invest in real estate, below your opportunity. ​Is this piece of real estate a good investment? - Price $29.90​ ​ PD 1: If you liked this email, don't keep it in secret and forward it to a friend. They will thank you enormously one day. PD 2: If somebody has sent you this email and you want to receive emails like this yourself, visit vicentevalencia.com PD 3: If you want unsubscribe, click the link below. ​ ​ |
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Look at what I learned today from the great Isra Bravo. Imagine you are born today. Yes… today. Imagine now that your parents want to torture you. And they decide to make you watch all the videos uploaded to YouTube today. Just the day of your birth… As a welcoming gift to you to introduce you to the world you’re going to live on. I repeat. Every single video uploaded to YouTube. And only the videos from that day. Exclusively those. Not a single more. Well… Do you know when you would finish...
Coming back from holidays always brings me great things. Lots of work. Interesting work. Jet lag. An amazing inside force that pushes me to achieve more. In life, you do, you do mistakes, you learn, adjust and repeat. That’s the only path for greatness… in any field. No mistakes, no learning, no freedom. Take the time to reflect in your mistakes. But do it as an external observer. As a reader of the situation. As an avid student looking for an A. Check what I learned from a project that went...
It’s a constant. When you talk freely about money you’re critized. And not just from Spain, the country that is a fiscal hell but the paradise of criticism and the prosecution of the rich, no… It’s everywhere. It’s becoming a kind of tabu. Look. The world is full of people who say, "money isn’t important". Good for them. But I think they don’t know what they’re saying. They just say it for the sake of saying it. It’s a cliché. If they stopped for a moment to think, they would realize that...