If you think that this is impossible today, you’re...

You’ve probably heard about a space ship hitting badly Venus or Mars, I don’t remember, because of miscalculations, right?

Well, that’s everywhere.

When you do your taxes, when you calculate your retirement or when you receive an inheritance.

All are miscalculation errors.

In construction, there are everywhere.

In 1970, during the construction of the Kadena Air Base Bridge in Okinawa, Japan, engineers made a slight miscalculation.

As usual… Two teams started building from opposite sides of the river, expecting to meet perfectly in the middle.

But when they finally got close... one side was 2 meters higher than the other!

I mean… not 1 cm, not 2 cm, not 10 cm… just 2 meters.

The error? One team had used metric measurements, while the other worked in imperial units.

If you think that this is impossible today, you’re absolutely wrong.

If you don’t believe me, check this list of lessons learnt from my last project.



The 15 Top Lessons of a PPP Project Nightmare

Learn about:
The number 1 killer of Projects
Why this was not going to be just "another construction project, mate"... Read more


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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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