It’s unbelievable how people are willing to condemn themselves to a miserable life just to hold on to a small privilege. Someone I know in Spain was offered a great apartment. It was “illegally occupied”. So great price… as in Spain, remove someone that does not pay the rent or has entered illegally into your property is a task of many, many, many years, and many thousands of euros… and it’s not clear that you can get them out – yes… this is why I don’t rent long term in Spain, and will never do… but that’s for another moment. ​ Now, you understand why the price was so low... ​ ​ Well… my friend thought that it was worth visiting and talking to the occupants to see if we could reach an agreement that would benefit everyone. ​ So, he went there, knocked on the door, and a very polite man in his 50s opened it and explained the situation. Turns out, he wasn’t a squatter. Tenants with old rent contracts in Spain are a protected species within the Iberian real estate ecosystem—one that’s on the verge of extinction. His mother, who is still alive, signed a lease nearly 60 years ago. That had been their family home ever since. He couldn’t tell exactly how the property ended up in the hands of an investment fund. ​ What he did tell my friend is that they’re trying to get them out—making their lives miserable to force them to leave, even through legal action. The mother is very old and sick. But wait… wait… wait… More about Spanish law. ​ ​ Of course, the son’s plan is to take over. Now, he did mention that the apartment is in terrible condition because no one has ever taken care of proper maintenance. ​ Fair enough. ​ ​ ​ They enjoy the advantage of paying a symbolic rent. ​ ​ I don’t get it. ​ To each their own. ​ Below, the strategies I’ve used so far. ​ ​ PD 1: If you liked this email, don't keep it in secret and forward it to a friend. They will thank you enormously one day. PD 2: If somebody has sent you this email and you want to receive emails like this yourself, visit PD 3: If you want unsubscribe, click the link below. ​ ​ |
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