People hate this... but it's so necessary

When you have something of great value to offer the world, don't beat around the bush or use metaphors.

Offer it plainly, without filters.

Straightforward and unapologetic.

You have great ideas. Tell everyone.

You are doing a great job. Tell everyone, especially to your boss. Don’t wait for the annual review… too many things will happen from today until the next raise is decided.

You have a great product. Tell everyone.


This is exactly how I operate when a company asks me for an audit or consultancy, when someone asks me for mentorship.

I tell it like it is, which usually doesn’t match what they want to hear.

I say it with fewer words and less formality than they’d like.

I reduce their business to a single sentence and their problem to a couple of words.

And sometimes it stings.

But it always heals.

And fast.


I have a mentorship package. Some have asked for it.

You can buy it as a gift for you, your loved one, your brother, your company, or your dog.


​Mentorship Package - $899​


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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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