Success is inevitable

“Raise the bar on yourself. Never settle for doing “enough.” Today’s world is competitive and moves so quickly that you will have to raise your stamina level if you expect to remain in the competition or to even get into the competition to begin with” – D. Trump


Yes, he is Donald Trump.


People, especially in Europe, are still wondering how he won the elections.

Others observed, enjoyed, eating popcorns despite the spoiler.


Even if you don’t like him, the truth is that he is right.

Doing just what’s expected is the perfect receipt for failure, for the inconsequential, for remaining invisible.

No trouble, but no glory.

Just one number.


If you are of those few that want to raise the bar.

Do more.

Go beyond.

Study. Read. Go to a seminar. Buy a course. Find new friends that are further than you are in your way to the top.

Or find a mentor... like for example, by clicking below. Only until 31 January.


Mentorship Package



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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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