The system is robbing you... for your protection

I don’t know if you’ve ever stopped to think about it, but the system isn’t designed for you to thrive.

It’s designed for you to depend on it.

On a salary someone else pays you.
On the promise of a pension.
On kleptocratic politicians squeezing you “for your own good.”

Basically, you’re the main character in a joke that isn’t funny.

Because if you depend, you don’t decide.

Yes… you don’t decide even if you vote…


And, if you don’t decide, you don’t disrupt.

And if you don’t disrupt, you’re the perfect piece on their board.


The problem starts when you begin asking questions:
• Why did school never teach me how to make money?
• Why do they take half of what I earn?
• Why are "the bad guys" always "the rich ones"?




When you start asking those kinds of questions, you begin to see the world differently.

Because the day you understand how money works, you stop swallowing the nonsense they’ve been selling you.

You stop believing the lie that says, “Go to university, study, and you’ll get a good job.”
You stop buying into the myth that “If you work hard, things will eventually get better.”

Instead, you start moving. You start doing things.

You start taking control of your money (and your life).
You start protecting what’s yours.

And suddenly, you realize something huge:

The power was never in them.
It was always in you.

Yes, in you.


To stop depending.
To stop asking for permission.
To stop being just another pawn in a system designed to keep you exactly where you are.

To take control.

To stop being just the one who foots the bill.

To start playing to win.

Losing? No.
Settling for a draw? Not an option.
Winning? That’s the only way forward.

And your first step could start right here.

​Is this piece of real estate a good investment? - Price $29.90​


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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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