What’s happening in Valencia, Spain is symptomatic of human nature. Human tragedy aside, which is the worst in our generation in Spain, the reaction of many people reflects once more our weaknesses. Our need to be part of a tribe, and our difficulty in recognize mistakes. ​ If you are a hater of the party in the central government, you know you’re right. They did it all wrong. If you are a hater of the other party, you know you’re right. They did it all wrong. The King, who passed by, did it all wrong too. He exists and coming to ground zero will be criticised at nauseum… in particular by people who did not move out of the sofa. ​ Impossible to recognize that doing anything in life without mistakes is impossible… however, coordinating a national catastrophe should be made with no mistakes. Especially if the coordinators are politicians that the most remarkable thing they did in their life was to make photocopies and have some ideas and say many lies to win elections. They never confronted any complex situation in their lives. With budgets, dozens of stakeholders, pressure, restrictions, low quality, conflicting and/or scattered information. But you voted them. You don’t want to recognize your mistake. And you blame them now. Bravo. ​ This is happening in Valencia and anywhere in the world. You’ll end up applauding their solutions for the future that will be more taxes and resources to be wasted by their incompetency. ​ Look. If you want to do something great for the world, create wealth. For yourself first. Don’t depend on those guys. Then, donate. Now, during and when you’re rich. To the people on the ground that can deliver. Don’t let those guys to take money from you to waste it. ​ That’s all for today. Be part of your own tribe. Acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them. You’ll be already in the path of the top 1% with that. ​ PD 1: If you liked this email, don't keep it in secret and forward it to a friend. They will thank you enormously one day. PD 2: If somebody has sent you this email and you want to receive emails like this yourself, visit vicentevalencia.com PD 3: If you want unsubscribe, click the link below. ​ ​ |
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