At the beginning I didn’t want to believe it. Until I watched the video by myself. It’s just a 30-second video. It will change forever the way you look at the world. ​ Some guys go to the center of a plaza in a tourist city with a mannequin. ​ Now, think for a minute. Maybe two minutes. Is your brain not exploding? ​ No? ​ Not yet? ​ ​ Let’s say that you are also lazy… that you have other commitments like watching the latest movie in Netflix. Then, let’s imagine that only 150 days a year are good, you have no commitments, the weather is not that bad, and your boss didn’t ask you for a new Power Point Presentation. ​ Let’s also be super cautious. ​ Suppose there are only a few peak hours. Just 4 good hours a day. Yes… just 25.
150 × 4 × 25 = 15,000 dollars a year. ​ It’s probably more than double that amount, but let’s say that it’s just that: 15,000 dollars a year… Per statue. ​ Yes… who said that you could use only one. So, 45.000 dollars a year with: ​
​ I know what’s happening right now through your brain. Yes… I know it quite well. Right now your brain is working at lightning speed to come up with reasons why this wouldn’t work:
​ Keep going. ​ ​ ​ ​ Exactly one year ago… I created a portfolio with my money. Real money. Real cash. I invested following a series of guidelines. This is the result. Investing 100.000 euros, or 140.6k CAD dollars… Look at this: 30 September: 140,600.84 31 October: 139,533.02 30 November: 149,311.00 31 December: 152,101.00 31 January: 158,959.08 29 February: 165,329.06 31 March: 169,995.03 30 April: 167,714.94 31 May: 176,419.64 30 June: 179,177.74 31 July: 182,027.52 30 August: 182,772.25 30 September: 186,818.21 ​ ​Return since creation: 32.87% or 46,217.37 CAD dollars. Still, you’ll be thinking… that this is impossible, it won’t happen again, someone will ask me for a new Power Point presentation… ​ While you’re thinking why not to buy the course below, my portfolio is making money for me. ​Invest better than 99% of people... including fund managers​ ​ PD 1: If you liked this email, don't keep it in secret and forward it to a friend. They will thank you enormously one day. PD 2: If somebody has sent you this email and you want to receive emails like this yourself, visit PD 3: If you want unsubscribe, click the link below. ​ ​ |
I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇
Once upon a time, in a European country, which shall remain nameless, but that’s known for great wine, fantastic cheese, too much pasta and good weather even if in Spain all that is better, decided to build a PPP highway connecting two major cities. The project went through the usual process, feasibility studies, tenders, and a long, complex financial close. Everything seemed on track. Tax payer money was spent, as usual, as if was nobody’s. The private consortium, excited about the project,...
I got this interesting story from Pobre Millenial, a newsletter you should subscribe to if you can read Spanish. If you don’t know the black devil fish, it’s an amazing creature. A few days ago, off the coast of Tenerife, one appeared on the water’s surface. This is really a rare sight. This fish lives in the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean, where pressure crushes and light is a myth. There, it survives thanks to extreme adaptation—the ability to endure the unbearable. But for some...
You’ve probably heard about a space ship hitting badly Venus or Mars, I don’t remember, because of miscalculations, right? Well, that’s everywhere. When you do your taxes, when you calculate your retirement or when you receive an inheritance. All are miscalculation errors. In construction, there are everywhere. In 1970, during the construction of the Kadena Air Base Bridge in Okinawa, Japan, engineers made a slight miscalculation. As usual… Two teams started building from opposite sides of...