It’s a constant. When you talk freely about money you’re critized. And not just from Spain, the country that is a fiscal hell but the paradise of criticism and the prosecution of the rich, no… It’s everywhere. It’s becoming a kind of tabu. Look. The world is full of people who say, "money isn’t important". Good for them. But I think they don’t know what they’re saying. They just say it for the sake of saying it. It’s a cliché. If they stopped for a moment to think, they would realize that money matters to them more than they’re willing to admit. For money, they spend a large part of their lives doing things they deeply hate. So Spain is a poor country, or Spanish people poor in mindset. And it’s a pity, because some of the stories I tell in the book below, that money made through smart investing, are in Spain. And if you can make money there… trust me, you can everywhere. ​ PD 1: If you liked this email, don't keep it in secret and forward it to a friend. They will thank you enormously one day. PD 2: If somebody has sent you this email and you want to receive emails like this yourself, visit PD 3: If you want unsubscribe, click the link below. ​ ​ |
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If your only plan to improve your finances is cutting expenses, you’ve got a big problem. Not because it’s a bad plan—it’s not... If you’re wasting money on unnecessary crap, the first thing you should fix is exactly that. But… The problem is purely mathematical, and I love maths. Cutting expenses has a limit. If you make 3.000 euros or dollars or whatever per month and save 500… You may be able to save 200 more. If you turn off Netflix, maybe 215… If you cut Amazon Prime, maybe 300 And if...
I don’t know if you’ve ever stopped to think about it, but the system isn’t designed for you to thrive. It’s designed for you to depend on it. On a salary someone else pays you. On the promise of a pension. On kleptocratic politicians squeezing you “for your own good.” Basically, you’re the main character in a joke that isn’t funny. Because if you depend, you don’t decide. Yes… you don’t decide even if you vote… And, if you don’t decide, you don’t disrupt. And if you don’t disrupt, you’re the...
Every business has moved online in recent years. Even the fishmonger in your hometown has joined TikTok and does live streams while serving customers. The same has happened in real estate. Agencies have shifted from offices to Instagram, Telegram, TikTok, and YouTube. From attracting clients with window signs to delivering properties straight to your phone. We’re more prepared than ever, with more information at our fingertips. An investor in the year 2000 had less competition. They only...