It's been a miracle

The world is a hard place.

Not only if you live now in Canada, Panama or Greenland.

It’s a hard place. Period.

People that say that money is not important have no idea of the power of money.

It’s freedom. It’s choices.

I just saw today the picture of a newborn among other 60 immigrants in a patera, a ship that you won’t use to fish in a lake with a couple of friends, used to travel with other 60 people, hundreds of miles in the Atlantic, from Africa to Spain.

The newborn was born in that patera. In that ship.

Rescuing him alive was a miracle.

Money moves people to risk their lives or their most precious possession.

Money allowed to locate these people, to rescue these people and to make miracles.

I don’t know about you, but this is the best piece of news I’ve seen in a while.


You surely have more choices.


If you want to do good for the world, make money, get rich, use your freedom to do good… and, if possible, miracles.


I’m in my way.

Below it is how.

​Even you can make money in real estate. ​


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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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