I got this interesting story from Pobre Millenial, a newsletter you should subscribe to if you can read Spanish. ​ If you don’t know the black devil fish, it’s an amazing creature. ​ A few days ago, off the coast of Tenerife, one appeared on the water’s surface. This is really a rare sight. This fish lives in the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean, where pressure crushes and light is a myth. There, it survives thanks to extreme adaptation—the ability to endure the unbearable. But for some reason, this particular specimen ascended... And within hours, it died. Its body wasn’t made for that reality. Too much time in darkness had turned it into a prisoner of its own biology. And when it finally saw the light, its body collapsed. It didn’t know how to live outside the routine of the shadows. ​ Think about this and whether you are a black devil fish. ​ We spend years swallowing shit. Letting work pressure shape us, enduring incompetent bosses, brutal schedules, and jobs we don’t care about. We convince ourselves it’s necessary, that we’re building something, that later, when we can finally breathe, we’ll be free. But when that day comes, we’re old. We’re tired. Our bodies, programmed to survive the depths, can’t handle the lightness of freedom. Like the devil fish, we’ve become specialists in surviving the darkness, and the light overwhelms us. They sold us the idea that we must work hard now to enjoy life later. But no one tells you that if you kill yourself working, that “later” comes when you no longer have the energy, the desire, or the excitement. Retirement is the consolation prize for those who didn’t die trying. And the final irony? Many don’t even make it there. No one told the devil fish that life isn’t just darkness and survival. But we do have a choice. You don’t have to wait until you’re old and exhausted to allow yourself to enjoy life. The only way to make sure the light doesn’t kill you when you reach the surface is to get used to seeing it beforehand. Because if you don’t, you’ll have spent your life working instead of working to live. ​ So, how do you avoid becoming another devil fish? ​ First, invest. Second, find your “why.” And third, learn to live now. Life isn’t a rehearsal. Don’t wait until retirement to start traveling, to do what you love, or to spend time with the people who truly matter. ​ Do something to change what you don’t like. Don’t be lazy. ​ In my case, just a recommendation. Here below you can learn something new. ​ PD 1: If you liked this email, don't keep it in secret and forward it to a friend. They will thank you enormously one day. PD 2: If somebody has sent you this email and you want to receive emails like this yourself, visit vicentevalencia.com PD 3: If you want unsubscribe, click the link below. ​ ​ |
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