A free person is a problem

The State wants you poor.

No matter where you live.

The USA, the UK or the EU or China.

It’s not a flaw in the system.

It is the system.

Because a poor person doesn’t cause trouble.

They don’t question.

They don’t rebel.

A poor person depends…

They depend on subsidies, on paychecks, on the plan or law or decree they sell you as a solution, but, oh surprise, it never solves anything.


They’ll tell you it’s for your own good.

That Father State takes care of you.

Protects you.

And that ‘no one gets left behind.’


But the reality is that:

  • They fry you with taxes when you work.
  • They promise you a pension that doesn’t exist.
  • They get you drunk on aid and subsidies so you feel like they care about you.



Because if you depend on them, they control you.


A free person is a problem.

They can’t be manipulated.

They can’t be silenced.


That’s why the system is designed so that you don’t prosper, don’t advance, and stay stuck, trapped, submissive, and swallowing whatever they throw at you.


They want you tired and numb.

For you to get off work at 7 and collapse on the couch.

For you to turn on the TV.

To swallow the news, football.

For you to sigh when you look at your paycheck, but do nothing and think, ‘It could be worse, deep down I’m lucky.’


Because if you make just enough to get by, you have no strength left.

No time.

No alternatives.


Do you know what bothers our political class the most?

That you make money.


Because when you do, you don’t need them.

When you have a cushion of savings, you make decisions.

And when you make decisions, you have options and you’re free.



Stop waiting for the system to save you.

For the government to change.

For the world to be fair.

For the trees to be greener and the sky bluer.


Don’t get carried away, that’s not going to happen.


Your best (and only) option is to slam your fist on the table and go against the tide.

Do whatever it takes to make money like a true son of a bitch, so you can save, invest, and stop being system-dependent.


Do that.


If you have money, you won’t panic at the thought of losing your job.

If you have your own business, you won’t worry about being fired.

If you have savings and investments, they can’t prostitute you with the promise of a pension that doesn’t exist.


You become a sniper, out of the system’s reach.

Their fear doesn’t affect you.

Their narrative doesn’t condition you.

You don’t swallow their crumbs.

You’re free to say “no” when everyone else has to bow their heads and say “yes, sir.”

And that, my friend, bothers them.


Because a citizen who doesn’t need anything from the State can’t be controlled, manipulated, or bought.


I don’t have all the answers. I only show you below my own path.

​Even you can make money in Real Estate. ​


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Vicente Valencia

I talk about Personal Growth, Management, Infrastructure and More | C-Suite Executive | Mentor, Coach, Strategic Consultant | Real Estate Investor | 👇JOIN +2k readers 👇

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